Environmental Policy
NI Washrooms is part of the o3 group of companies.
Our focus as a company is on using a providing sustainable products in every aspect of our business wherever possible.
Environmental and Recycling Policy Statement
The o3 Group of Companies statement of intent:
Ensure compliance with existing environmental legislation and plan periodic reviews of our procedures and policies.
The Controlled Waste (Duty of Care) Regulations (N.Ireland), the 2002 Regulations- Optimise the use of resources and ensure we use processes, techniques, material and products that avoid, reduce or control pollution.
The aim of this policy is to communicate the commitment of the Directors/Senior Management Team to the promotion of recycling within the o3 Group Ltd.
At o3 Group Ltd we recognise our responsibility to the environment and are committed to the implementation of procedures to promote sound and sustainable environmental practices.
We recognise that the processes of cleaning with cleaning agents and disposal of waste may have a detrimental environmental impact. Therefore, we are committed to minimising our negative impact on the environment.
We will only purchase cleaning agents from reputable suppliers who have meet our criteria of our approved supplier list. i.e., suppliers must: -
- where viable utilise non-polluting technologies
- minimise the consumption of energy and take all reasonable steps to reduce waste in the manufacturing of the products we require.
- have met the requirements of Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations (CHIP 2) 1994 relating to the classifying, labelling and packaging dangerous chemicals that we may purchase, and the provision of respective datasheets for these chemicals.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2004 (COSHH).
We ensure that we have strict handling, storage and disposal procedures in place for the use of hazardous chemicals used by our staff.
Where possible, the use of low-risk cleaning agents (Harmful and Irritants) are authorised. The use of high-risk cleaning agents are kept to a minimum and only authorised persons are permitted to use these.
Provide information training and consultation with our employees by engaging our key persons and Health & Safety consultants.
Risk management - involve Directors, Health & Safety consultant, Operation Manager and Clients in the management of all risks relating to the Health & Safety of all parties and the environmental impact of our processes.
Utilise dilution control dispensers for cleaning agents where viable in our client’s premises. These dispensers ensure the risk of over dilution and spills in public places and workplaces are eliminated. This significantly reduces the quantity of cleaning agents for waste disposal on these sites.
We will maintain all equipment including company vehicles as required under the current legislation.
Ensure regular servicing of vehicles and machinery We will engage the services of a reputable company for the safe disposal of all redundant equipment and batteries.
As a company, o3 Group Ltd realises the importance of recycling and the how our business activities have an effect on the environment, e.g. waste, chemicals.
Every one of us has a responsibility to reduce waste and work towards a cleaner, healthier, environment. We are committed to waste reduction and recycling at every opportunity within our business and we also expect the same of all our suppliers.
We currently operate a recycling programme within our own premises. It is the responsibility of each member of staff to place materials into the appropriate
containers for recycling.
Waste generated by our company is classed as non-hazardous, items such as:-
- Office Paper
- Cardboard
- Plastic Packaging
- Plastic Cups
- Ink Cartridges
We aim to work in partnership with our customers to minimise the quantity of waste going to landfill sites by sourcing recycling alternatives.
All employees have a responsibility to:-
- minimise the consumption of energy
- minimise waste at all levels of the business
- co-operate fully with the Management in maintaining this policy
- advise the Health & Safety Committee of any criticisms that may assist in the improvement of our policy.