Washroom Hygiene Services
For over 20 years we have been providing washroom and hygiene services to the public and private sector in Northern Ireland.
From sanitary and nappy waste disposal solutions and natural oil air fresheners to energy-efficient hand dryers and cost-saving waterless urinals, we have all your washroom services covered so you can focus on running your business.

Sanitary Disposal Services
Our FemiBin service is, as standard, a full bin swap on every visit - no more emptying and cleaning in the washroom.
All our service engineers carry bins in discrete service bags, no bins are handled openly or without gloves to ensure everybody's hygiene.

Male Hygiene Bin
Sanitary disposal bins aren't just for the female cubicles. With 1 in 3 of the population suffering from incontinence, it is now best practice to include disposal bins within male cubicles.
You are supporting Cancer Focus NI with every bin installed.
Read more : #boysneedbins

WC Sanitiser
Ensure the bowl is always fresh with cistern sanitiser. The system automatically doses the cistern with a sanitising fluid to ensure a fresh, clean flush.

Toilet Seat Sanitiser
Toilet seats can be an hygiene irritant for some. With a toilet seat sanitiser dispenser (either wipes or foam sanitiser) you can take a seat with confidence.

Promoting Period Dignity
With so many woman and girls unable to afford to buy period products, we can provide environmentally-friendly sanitary pads and tampons which can be provided for free by you to your customers using our free-to-vend dispensers.

Sanitary Vending
Vending machines come a range of sizes for either coin-operated vending or more recently free-to-vend models for tackling period poverty

Nappy Bin Provision
Every establishment that welcomes in the public should have a facility for parents to change their baby. Nappy waste is a controlled waste and must be segregated into a separate waste stream for disposal.

Bulk Offensive Waste
For childcare facilities and nursing homes, the best option is to have a larger outdoor waste bin. These can be emptied at a frequency that suits your usage. We will provide you with the yellow bags for placing inside your indoor bins.

Save Water - Cut Carbon
Every cubic metre of water (m3) contributes to between 10-15kg of CO2e being released into the atmosphere.
By reducing your water usage, you not only reduce premises costs, but also lower you environmental impact.
For example, an uncontrolled urinal can flush up to 500,000 litres of water per year, that's equivalent to at least 5 tons of CO2
(*at a cost to you of almost £1500 !)
*based on NI Water commercial charges 2024
Waterless Urinals
Our URIFRESH ECO waterless urinal system is the most effective waterless urinal system ever. We are so confident in it we provide free callout and labour if you ever suffer from odours, blockages or leaks.

Semi-waterless Urinals
While we can convert almost every urinal to waterless, for those that cant, we can provide the closest thing. Using UriFlush technology, we can automatically reduce your water wastage. The URIFRESH BIO cartridge reduces uric salt build up and maintains fresheness.

Urinal P-Mats are ever popular. They not only capture debris before it enters the urinal system, reducing blockages. The P-Mat also contains a freshening fragrance and can be used in conjunction with URIFRESH waterless or semi-waterless UriFlush systems.

Urinal Sanitiser
While it is not possible to convert some urinals to waterless, a further option is to dose the urinal cistern with a sanitising fluid to ensure every flush washes the urinal with a freshening, cleaning fluid. Can be used in conjunction with UriFlush system to reduce water wastage.
Urinal Screens - P-Mats

Air freshening for smaller areas
Our battery-powered, natural oil air fresheners do not use aerosols or chemical sprays. They are better for those who suffer from asthma or allergies and are better for the environment

Air freshening for
larger areas
Our vapourising air fresheners cover larger areas than the standard battery powered air fresheners. The ATX air freshener uses atomising technology to produce a longer fragrance hang than aeorosols and can be battery or mains powered

Air Sterilising to remove odours
OXIZONE Air Steriisers purify the air using patented combined technology to remove odours, bacteria and viruses from the air and on surfaces leaving a fresh and hygienically clean washroom
Satisfaction Guarantee

All our services come with our
100% on-time, every-time guarantee