Modern Day Slavery
NI Washrooms is part of the o3 group of companies.
We hereby set out what we are doing to minimise the potential risk of modern slavery in its business and supply chains, in line with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Modern Slavery Statement
References to we, us in this statement relate to O3 group ltd on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries.
Our modern slavery statements are published in accordance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the work we have undertaken this year to build on and develop our efforts to ensure transparency in our business and throughout our supply chains and to eradicate the risk of modern slavery.
Our business
We conduct all of our business in an honest and ethical manner.
We comply with all applicable legislation relating to employee terms and conditions, including pay, and none of our staff earn less than the Living Wage. We have undertaken surveys during the pandemic relating to working at home (and back to the office) and health and safety throughout.
Corporate responsibility policy
Corporate responsibility is something that should be of concern to all businesses; we recognise the importance of corporate responsibility and creating a positive social impact.
For O3 group ltd, this is about managing our business in a way that enhances the positive and minimises the negative economic, social and environmental impacts of our activities and services.
Working with our suppliers
We expect all of our contractors and suppliers to meet the same high ethical standards that we apply to our own business.
We will continue to review and refine how we engage with our existing suppliers and our processes for onboarding new suppliers, including incorporating appropriate provisions in our contractual arrangements with suppliers.
Key performance indicators
We continue to make good progress in developing and refining our anti-slavery procedures and we believe that, at this stage, it remains inappropriate for us to adopt any specific modern slavery key performance indicators. However, we will keep this under review.