Waterless Urinals
Water is a valuable natural resource.
Billions of gallons of drinking water are needlessly flushed down urinals every day costing businesses money, increasing your carbon emissions and actually increasing the likelihood of blockages.
URIFRESH ECO waterless urinals are
guaranteed clean, green and odour and blockage free.
Cost & Carbon Reducing
A urinal with a 9L cistern flushing 4 times per hour will waste 315,360 litres of water per year,
costing £1122.36
contributing 108.5kg of CO2e
to the atmosphere.
URIFRESH can be retrofitted to around 98% of existing urinals, there is no need for customers to replace the urinal bowl, making the installation cheap and simple with the least amount of fuss and mess.

How do URIFRESH Waterless Urinals work?
The biological refill cartridge contains a proprietary consortia of friendly bacteria to dose the system and breakdown the formation of uric salts preventing crystallisation and hardening in the pipework.
These fingers suround the base of the cartridge and act as a debris catcher, delivering a patented malodour counteractant and freshness on every use.
A patented, memory-silicone, hygiene seal creates a closed system against back odours, whilst allowing the plumbing system to vent and speed up flow rates.
As a retro-fit solution, our unique Waste Housing replaces the need to conventional traps and speeds up continuity of flow. The lack of a 'trap' means there are no stale, stagnant liquids stored in the pipework.

URIFRESH ECO Waterless Urinals are guaranteed
odour and blockage free.
On every service, our engineers will replace the cartridge and valve if necessary, clean down the urinal and waste outlet, plunge and rod the pipework if necessary.
If you have an issue relating to the urinals we will call out and repair it at no charge - this includes blockages*4.
You will never need to call a plumber again!*5